“De rijmkroniek van Klaas Kolijn.” Truth and Fiction in the Middle Ages study day, University of Groningen, November 1984.
“Aurelius, praeceptor Erasmi.” International Agricola Conference, University of Groningen, October 1985.
“Een nieuwe wereld, een nieuw beeld?” The Mediaeval World View study day, University of Groningen, January 1987.
“De politieke tendens van de Divisiekroniek.” Congress of the Netherlands Historical Society, National Library of the Netherlands, The Hague, 13 April 1987.
“Holländisches Nationalbewusstsein in der frühhumanistischen Historiographie: Cornelius Aurelius und seine Zeitgenossen.” Humanism and Reception of Classical Antiquity Symposium of the University of Bremen, 24-25 May 1988.
“Erasmus and Aurelius and their Lifes of Jerome: a study into cooperation and dependence.” VIIth International Congress of the Association for Neolatin Studies, Toronto, 8-13 August 1988.
“Mens en Kosmos in de Middeleeuwen: het wereldbeeld van Dante.” National Science Week Open Day, University of Groningen, 15 October 1988.
“Hemelse en Helse vrouwen: vrouwenbeelden rond 1500.” Lecture in the series Saints, an Everyday Support, for the Department of Mediaeval Studies, University of Groningen, 17 November 1988.
“De Utopia van Thomas More: Man en Vrouw in de beste staat.” Utopias Day, University of Groningen, 25 November 1988.
“Van de wieg tot het graf: leren in historisch perspectief.” Lecture, Volksuniversiteit Groningen, 9 March 1989.
“Dutch national consciousness in the early humanist historiography: the Italian influence on Cornelius Aurelius (ca. 1460-1531) and his contemporaries.” The Low Countries and the World Conference, University College London, 12-15 April 1989.
“Renaissance vorstenspiegels in de Noordelijke Nederlanden: dankzij of ondanks maecenaat.” Patronage, Mentality and Nation building Workshop, Department of History, University of Groningen, 26 May 1989.
“Aeneas, Caesar and Bato: Myths about the Dutch past in the Middle Ages and early Renaissance.” Lecture, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), 29 June 1989.
“From Gansfortto Hoen: the origin of the Dutch Sacramantarian movement.” Gansfort Congress, University of Groningen, 28 August 1989.
“Aurelius’ Libellus de Patientia.” Neolatinists’ Day, Amsterdam, 16 September 1989.
“Wonderen in de Divisiekroniek. De ‘pouvoir informel’ van Geertrui van Oosten.” Balance and Perspective Congress, Utrecht, 11 October 1989.
“Mens en kosmos in de Middeleeuwen.” History of Art lecture, University of Groningen, 3 March 1989.
“De historie verbeeld? De illustraties in de Divisiekroniek.” Lecture, Amsterdam Mediaevalists’ Circle, 6 May 1990.
“The origin of the empire and the tasks of the prince: neglected renaissance mirrors-of-princes in the Netherlands.” Presentation, 25th International Conference of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 11 May 1990.
“The origin of the Batavian tradition in Dutch humanistic historiography.” Presentation, European Renaissance: National Traditions Conference (congress of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance studies), Glasgow, 8-11 August 1990.
With Marina Warner: “The informal power of a Delft beguine: the life of Geertrui van Oosten.” Lecture during the study day on “The Informal Circuit: influence and charisma in the margins of Mediaeval power structures”, University of Groningen, 25 January 1991.
“De rol van de volkstaal in de Middeleeuwse geschiedschrijving vande Nederlanden.”Lecture, ELTE Nederlandisztikai Központ, Budapest, 26 April 1991.
“Het Frankmanuscript als voorbeeld van grensoverschrijdend onderzoek.” Presentation at the Across Borders Symposium of the Culture and Society During the Transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era, Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 29 November 1991.
“La Grande Chronique de la Hollande: lieu de mémoire raté?” Franco-Dutch symposium, Places of Memory and National Identity in France and the Netherlands, Dutch Institute, Paris, 11-13 May 1992.
“Tussen handschrift en druk: het Kattendijke-manuscript (ca. 1490).” Groningen Codicologists’ Days international conference, 7-9 October 1992.
“Sancta mater versus sanctus doctus? De H. Anna en de humanisten.” Holy Mothers conference, Museum of Religious Art, Uden, 17 October 1992.
“Mythe en geschiedschrijving in Holland.“ Myth and Historiography in the Netherlands and Friesland study day, Frisian Academy, Leeuwarden, 18 December 1993.
“A unique embodiment of the shift from script to print: the newly discovered Kattendijke chronicle.” First International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 3-7 July 1994.
“Chroniqueurs en Kroniekschrijvers. Over de waardering van Nederlandse geschiedschrijvers in Huizinga’s Herfsttij.” Presentation at the symposium 75 Years of Herfsttij, Amsterdam, 21 March 1995.
“Patria and Civitas: towards a conceptual history of the early-modern Low Countries”. Presentation at the Kalamazoo conference, 5-10 May 1995.
“Myths of origin and republican discourse in the Habsburg Netherlands: 1482-1566.” Paper to the ESF conference Republicanism: a European Heritage, Perugia, 14-18 April 1997.
“From Institutio to Educatio: the originof education as a political concept in the Habsburg Netherlands.” Paper to the XIIIth Anglo-Dutch Conference, Saint Andrews, 1-4 September 1997.
With Wyger Velema: “Applying Begriffsgeschichte to Dutch History: some remarks on the Concepts of Liberty and Fatherland.” Paper to the Conceptual Changes in European Political Cultures Conference, London, 18-20 June 1998.
“Republikeins burgerschap en civiel humanisme in de Bourgondisch-Habsburgse Nederlanden 1477-1566.” Huizinga Institute “Burger” Conference, Amsterdam, 29-30 January 1999.
“Respublica, Community and Institution: the concept of republic in Bruges before the Revolt.” Huizinga Institute “Republiek” Conference, Amsterdam, 22-24 April 1999.
“Het beslissende boek: Fulco de Minstreel van C. Johan Kieviet.” Great History Day, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 27 September 2000.
“Het Kattendijke-manuscript: een uniek boek uit Haarlem.” Presentation at the symposium The Transition from the Manuscript to the Printed Book, Huizinga Institute, Amsterdam, 24 November 2000.
“Mens en kosmos in de Middeleeuwen.” Mediaeval History Master Course, Faculty of Humanities, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 23 March 2001.
Commentary on Terence Ball’s Confessions of a Conceptual Historian, Conference of the History of Social and Political Concepts Group, Tampere, 28-30 June 2001. Organiser and chair of the panel Classics of Political Thought.
“The concept of citizenship in the Netherlands.” Bilboa, Conference of the History of Social and Political Concept Group, Bilbao, 30 June-2 July 2003.
Karin Tilmans , Concepts and Comparisons : Comparative Conceptual History in Germany and Holland Departmental seminar History and Civilisation, European University Institute Fiesole , 9-XI-2005